Competing, Gaming & Gambling these intertwined concepts can be found as essential part of history and mythology of the country. Even today, the gaming industry is one of the major powerhouses of entertainment and social interaction in the country. However, just as long as the concept of gaming has existed, as has the concept of gambling, even in the great epic Mahabharata, the central plot revolves around gambling. With the advent of technology, this industry has witnessed a drastic shift over the past years due to the advent in technology and expansion of globalised world. Today, we have expanse of several online games like fantasy sports, gambling etc. At present, there is no defining law in the country governing these entities. The legality of these entities has been questioned in front of various courts every now and then and different courts have provided different interpretations. This moot court competition is aimed at providing a deeper understanding and clarity towards the legal standpoint and prospects in the future of Gaming Law in India.
Ledx National Moot Court
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